Chrysanthemum 'Venus' seems to be where all of the cool insects hang out these days. There and aster 'Miss Bessie', but that's another post.
I haven't seen many buckeyes this year, although it's been a butterfly mecca here for most of the growing season. It's probably because the vegetable garden was heavily mulched last winter, covering the seed of the blue toadflax that had volunteered there, and my husband mowed the toadflax that was in the lawn before it could go to seed. (The battle between neatness vs. patience continues.) I will have to get some toadflax seed. We do have a lot of wild Gerardia though in the floodway fields and by the creek, so the buckeyes may have been there. I think this is one of the most beautiful of butterflies.
Virginia ctenuchid moth, a diurnal (daytime) moth that is
frequently seen side by side with bees, wasps and butterflies.

frequently seen side by side with bees, wasps and butterflies.

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