Here is a hodgepodge of what's been blooming here for the last couple of weeks.
A seedling; not tagged, so it could be a combination of anything: Gallica, Alba, Moss... maybe
I need to search harder for that label.. The seeds were sent by a lady with a zone 4 garden.

I need to search harder for that label.. The seeds were sent by a lady with a zone 4 garden.

'Hippolyte', planted in the wild end of the big perennial bed.
'Hippolyte' starts with pink buds, opens to a vivid deep fuchsia color

'Hippolyte' starts with pink buds, opens to a vivid deep fuchsia color

A view of the neighbor's pasture and horses. Those brown skeletons
on the neighbor's side belong to some yellow-flowering legume.

on the neighbor's side belong to some yellow-flowering legume.

Rosa palustris scandens, foxglove beardtongue, spiderworts
that just finished their first round of bloom, Japanese iris that
haven't bloomed yet, a Knockout rose, and behind that a witch hazel.

that just finished their first round of bloom, Japanese iris that
haven't bloomed yet, a Knockout rose, and behind that a witch hazel.

I hope you are enjoying the weekend.