The trees went from looking like this at the beginning of April, with the new leaves of
the red maples looking like pastel smudges of palest green, silver and warm russet red

the red maples looking like pastel smudges of palest green, silver and warm russet red

Recently loggers were working on one of our neighbors' land. That was a long couple of weeks. The loggers weren't that close, but the noise was intense and bothersome. I felt like The Grinch when he complained about the Whos on Christmas Day. "Oh the noise noise noise noise!" One of the members of the logging company had put tape on some trees on our land well over the property line so we took down the tape and left a note and our phone number.
There's a slough where the loggers marked the trees and I've found several species of wildflowers nearby over the years and put divisions in the garden: Amsonia, meadow rue, bellwort, and Atamasco lilies. Unfortunately the bellwort didn't do anything and the Atamasco lilies haven't increased the way I'd hoped/ envisioned, but the Amsonia and meadow rue have been very happy.
I really loved the Florida azaleas in front of the house, but until there's a cultivar that tops
out at 8 feet (the height of the porch railings), I will "make do" with oakleaf hydrangea 'Pee Wee'.

out at 8 feet (the height of the porch railings), I will "make do" with oakleaf hydrangea 'Pee Wee'.

The brand new leaves of serviceberry are silvery and downy too. Most of the wild
serviceberries here don't have much fall color but they are beautiful in the spring.

serviceberries here don't have much fall color but they are beautiful in the spring.

I moved this serviceberry next to the ditch several years ago and it's about 8 feet tall now. It does
lean a good bit though. I tried to stake it but I wasn't successful - I waited until it got too big.

I want to put in an 'Autumn Brilliance' serviceberry this fall. Only one serviceberry here (and
possibly some seedlings) has good bronzy gold color and I'm always looking to add more color in the fall.
lean a good bit though. I tried to stake it but I wasn't successful - I waited until it got too big.

I want to put in an 'Autumn Brilliance' serviceberry this fall. Only one serviceberry here (and
possibly some seedlings) has good bronzy gold color and I'm always looking to add more color in the fall.
American snowbells are the most fragrant tree I know of. When the temps are warm enough the sweet perfume carries a long way. I've grown several from seed I collected here and it's seeded itself around quite a bit too. This row of trees are volunteers next to the driveway between the house and the big bed.
I first saw Mazus next to the pond in the display gardens at Niche Gardens years ago. It made a lovely carpet of tiny lavender flowers. I tried it and it's been happy in the path of the garden east of the house.
My lilac (acquired in a trade) was supposed to be white, but I'm glad it's lavender. judging from the leaves and the fragrance it's Syringa vulgaris or a vulgaris hybrid, so I'm shocked it's done this well. Usually vulgaris is a miserable one cane wonder here.
The azalea from DH's grandmother's garden looks happy and is twice the size it was in its previous location, due to the motion detection sprinkler trained on the nearby potted plants (seedlings, cuttings, and divisions slated to go into the garden this spring or fall) every night that wasn't below freezing.
I've wanted to grow pearlbush ever since reading about it in Passalong Plants. I have it planted beside the drive above the house and it's happy there. I can see why it's a passalong. It's tough.
A few years ago Phillip of Dirt Therapy generously sent me a division of Alabama snowwreath. I fell in love with Al snowwreath after seeing it in the mountain section of the NC Botanical Garden. I tried planting it above the house in the half shade of some tulip poplars and it was miserable. As it turns out the only thing that has been happy so far are a couple of volunteer wax myrtles. I thought the site would be fine because it gets drainage from the field above, but the tulip poplar roots take everything. So I potted the snowwreath back up to recover and last fall planted it northeast of the vitex tree in the front yard. It was beautiful this spring!
Two other bits of good news: I thought I had lost my yellowwood and devilwood, one from being too dry and one from being too wet or getting frozen. I was especially bummed about the yellowwod since I started it from seed and grew it in a pot for 3 years before planting it out last fall. This week I saw that that both had sprouted new leaves on the lower stems. The Osmanthus has been moved to a drier spot and the yellowwood is back in a pot to size up. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will ultimately be OK.