Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Late-Blooming Perennials

Now that it's November, a lot of the garden is turning shades of taupe and brown as things die down for winter, but there are still some flowers around.

The white flowers of Chrysanthemum 'Venus' become spotted with pink from age and cold weather.

This is a bud of the purple intermediate iris 'Eleanor Roosevelt'. I don't
know if she's going to make it, having since been partially damaged by frost,
but if I can remember I'll bring it inside and see if the heat will coax it open.

Anemone 'Honorine Jobert' has been blooming here for two months now. It's
finishing up now but the remaining flowers are still beautiful. I am very
happy to have this old cultivar from the 1800's in the garden. I got mine
from Bluestone Perennials last year and it's spread quite a lot already.

White butterfly ginger has been in bloom for two months as well.
It's still blooming even though the foliage is now brown from frost!

Aromatic aster

Late season grasses are lovely with the late perennials, even
as they are turning brown and going to seed as this Muhlenbergia
and lindheimeri are in this picture.

The last remaining swamp sunflowers


  1. Your flowers look like mine did a month ago. I love those asters and the white blooming flowers.

  2. Those asters are just beautiful. They are at the top of my must have list. The ginger is pretty to, I've never seen that one.


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