We had some absolutely beautiful weather this weekend. I rode both of the horses for the first time in about 6 weeks, and we have been undertaking some farm repairs. There was also time to get the camera out and take some pictures of all of the bird life in and around the garden.
This yellow-rumped warbler looks to be enjoying the sunshine.

A secretive dark-eyed junco, who was hiding in the brush beside the driveway until I passed by.

A male bluebird in one of the pines at the back of the big perennial bed.

Such a beautiful shade of blue.

There are lots of robins feeding in the pastures, but so far they haven't made eaten the rose hips or the holly berries. At some point they and the cedar waxwings will strip the berries; I think they always do. I haven't heard the waxwings lately. I know they're around, having heard them in December and November, but they're not in the immediate vicinity.
I walked down to the slough to try to get a glimpse of the wood ducks. I flushed the same pair three times and didn't even get close to getting a shot. Ah well, it's difficult to be stealthy when clomping around in rubber boats.
On the way back to the house, I saw a flock of bluebirds at the edge of one of the pastures. They hang out here a lot, not only for food, but because they sleep and take shelter in the nestboxes and purple martin house.
They were hawking from the neighbor's fence

and from the nearby trees,

waiting to swoop down on an insect on the ground.

Next, imo the cutest bird in NA, the ruby-crowned kinglet.
They seem to be quite fearless. In the garden it's not unusual to find one foraging practically underfoot.
A bit of the red crown is apparent in this picture. The fuzziness around the edges is
out-of-focus foliage in the foreground, although he was literally glowing with cuteness.

love Buddleias. I don't know if they're eating seeds or tiny insects or both.