Rebecca of
In the Garden, in need of some color, put together a delightful post about rainbow colors. Most of us are starved for color this time of year, whether we're looking at pristine white-and-charcoal landscapes, muddy snow, or just plain mud. The winter landscape can be very beautiful but isn't big on color. Especially with the lack of exposure to sunlight that goes along with winter, I think the human eye
needs color. No wonder some people in Arctic zones paint their houses every color of the rainbow.
This beautiful rainbow appeared above our neighbor's pasture in August.

I think the best kind of red is velvety.

I love orange but find it a little difficult to place in the garden. But not impossible. :)

My favorite oranges are velvety too.
American Lady

Or sparkly (I'm addicted.)

Or both.

Nothing quite glows like the beautiful golden hues of Rudbeckia and Helianthus.

Pure lemon yellow is nice too. This is 'Hyperion'

and a beautiful noid.

Summer is green.

Sweet pepperbush and swamp cyrilla

along with a green tree frog.

Onto my favorite colors, blue and violet.
Wouldn't it be nice if winter trees were this colorful?

Brazilian blue sage is such an intense shade of blue.

Indigo Buntings can look almost black, a rich shade of
indigo blue, or even turquoise, depending on the light.

Great blue lobelia

Clematis 'HF Young'


Buddleia 'Petit Indigo', which looks more violet than indigo.

Seedling spiderwort

Hibiscus syriacus

Japanese iris

Penstemon 'Midnight'

I hope this post has provided a little bit of a color fix!
Oh yes - my eyes are now delightfully saturated!
ReplyDeleteOn my commute home this evening there was pink and peach light in the western sky - very exciting!
Beautiful photos! The color we've all been craving. The velvet subjects are a nice bonus.
ReplyDeleteA great color fix Sweet Bay. It has been delightful to see all of the creative and so needed colorful posts. We are all having fun with rainbows!! Stunning photos, blooms and other creatures... and are those your paintings? Beautiful Beautiful rainbow post! ;>)
ReplyDeleteOh Sweetbay what a great collection of colors! Think my favorite is the Indigo Bunting. We have had one Indigo Bunting three times...each sighting a year apart, almost on the same day! (April 15th) What a blue!
ReplyDeleteAre those your water colors? They are delightful. Love the rainbow and the rainbow of flowers...gail
ReplyDeleteWow! Very lovely flowers and photos! I desperately need to get my hands on that blue clematis. :)
ReplyDeleteWow Sweetbay, what a fabulous post!! I love your choice of pictures, with all of the different textures. The orange butterfly on the purple flowers is especially lovely, thanks so much for participating! :) Rebecca
ReplyDeleteOH. MY. GOODNESS. Sweet Bay ~ this collection of photos makes one KNOCKOUT rainbow! The photos are so crisp and close I feel I could stick my nose in the flower centers. They are AWESOME. That red velvet dahlia photo is most spectacular ~ I find red a difficult color to photograph but you did it very professionally. In fact maybe you are a professional photographer just moonlighting with a blog?!!! ;-) Thanks for the great ending to my day.
ReplyDeleteOh, tnak you, thank you, I fully agree: we need colour, really. And a lot too. So now you´ve fed me I can go back to work. Have a nice week!
ReplyDeleteSweetBay ~ What a wonderful set of pictures. Love the velvets, and that Indigo Bunting is splendid, what a little creature of beauty.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your rainbow world with us. It's a real delight.
SweetBay, I LUV your rainbow of colors... sharp, beautiful images!
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for your very kind comments!
ReplyDeleteGail and Carol, those are my watercolors. I wish I could claim the second as an original, but the original is 'Venetian Palace' by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Both pictures were painted when I was learning watercolors about 10 years ago. I decided to include them in this post because I'd find myself staring at them during the winter months, before my garden was very established and before blogging, just because of the colors!
So beautiful. Seeing your photos is almost as good as enjoying the real ones. The fragrance is the only thing missing:)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed you paintings too. You are very talented.
Well done, Sweet Bay, and with a real rainbow too! It does the eyes, and heart good to see this color. Winter is wearing out its welcome already.
Dear Sweetbay,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so delightful! We all needed to see those colors today! Everything here is drab and brown, except my birds. Love your watercolors and all of your pictures are great!! I must look for some of that diet Sunkist!! I had hoped to see a button for following your blog so it would come up when you post, but I didn't see the button.
Oh wow! Such beautiful colors....I especially love all the different shades of green that you captured. I also love the color of your cat ;^)
ReplyDeleteA little bit of a color fix? This will tide me over to summer, it was lovely.
ReplyDeleteI love those huge photos. And I once was fortunate to be loved by a cat exactly the same as yours. Ginger, I loved her dearly, and she was a demanding, spoilt, brat.....
Where do you live?
Marnie, thank you. I wish there was a way to share the fragrance of flowers, especially now with the witch hazel and winter honeysuckle and Prunus mume in bloom.
ReplyDeleteHi Frances, yes, color does indeed do both the eyes and heart good. :)
Hi Dorothy, thank you very much. I checked my settings and don't see anything to change; did you go to your dashboard and try to add the blog there?
Noelle, yes, Tommy is rather bright for an orange tabby isn't he? It seems to me I've seen several that are more dilute than him. His color fits his personality, it's flamboyant like him. :)
Jen, Tommy is demanding too. lol He's not obnoxious about it, but he *needs* attention and is good about getting more of it than anyone else. I love in central NC, about 30 miles from Raleigh.
I can't help but be enchanted by your orange tabby. The flowers are pretty but the kitty sings with me!
ReplyDeleteGood job!
I love the rainbow and the kaleidoscope of color from your garden. I feel more like spring after stopping by here!
ReplyDeleteI hope you are still painting Sweet Bay... for you display a lot of talent!! Are you still painting? ;>)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by, Rosie and Janie. Tommy is an enchanting cat. :)
ReplyDeleteCarol you are too kind. Actually I haven't painted anything lately, although I should, just because there are a couple of projects I've been meaning to do.
Oh, MY. That indigo bunting...I can only dream of seeing such a bird here. And now, thanks to your rainbow, I have this huge craving for Orange Crush. ;-) Dazzling, rich rainbow of colours, for sure.
ReplyDeleteYou've given me a wonderful dose of color and just in's so very white and brown around here.
ReplyDeleteI like orange flowers best when mixed with purple and growing freely like the ones in your photo.
And it would be nice to have the Sunkist in one hand while stroking your kitty kat with the other. He's so darn cute.
Hi Sweetbay, I'm 'finally' getting around to stopping by! So Sorry it's seemed like forever since I was here last. You have chosen wonderful shots...I think I can guess your favorite color is in the violet/purple/indigo range?! It seemed you had 'the most' of those shades in your grouping. Wow, your photos are HUGE! How do you get them like that? Another issue I'm having trouble with is putting individual photos on my blog...the blogger system makes it very complicated (at least the way it works for me), that's why I nearly always am doing collages now. Or else, linking them through picassa. I cannot seem to upload them quickly enough with blogger. Anyway, I love your choices and they really made my evening. Now I can go to sleep and dream in color!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jan, it's good to see you again! I changed the format to Minima Stretch to get the pictures larger -- all of the info is here.