The pansies have been asleep all winter but are awakening now. I love the deep purple ones

especially with strawberries. (The "dust" on the pansies is pine pollen.)

I was surprised to learn that foamflower has a sweet
fragrance. Different from woodland phlox but just as delightful.

The spiderworts have begun to bloom. I received this one in a
trade and I love it. The blue stamens eventually turn snow white.

A beautiful spiderwort with an unlovely name: Hairy spiderwort. Unlike my other
spiderworts, this one seems to only bloom in spring, but the spring show is wonderful.

Phlox pilosa, otherwise known as Practically Perfect Pink
Phlox or PPPP, which travelled all the way from Tennessee. Thank you Gail!
And thank you to Katarina at
roses and stuff for hosting Blooming Friday.