Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wildflowers, The Year in Review ~ Spring

I wanted to participate in the last Wildflower Wednesday, to pay homage to the role of natives in my garden throughout the year, but have been too scattered to put a post together until now. So here it is ~ my late late late post for WW!

Natives start to wake up here in March.

Chokecherry (Aronia arbutifolia)

and Serviceberry have an understated loveliness that stands out in the
still bare early spring landscape. The white ribbon-like flowers of the
Serviceberry are fleeting but the new fuzzy silver leaves are beautiful too.

Then in April everything seems to burst into bloom at once,
and the spring extravaganza continues through May.


Piedmont azaleas

In the distance is the one sizeable Dogwood that we have here, although I'd like to have
several one day. The biggest dogwood seedling I planted at the wood's edge is about 5 feet tall.

Marsh Phlox

This Phlox really was this brilliantly colored in the late afternoon sun!

Woodland phlox and Ozark phlox

Gulf Coast penstemon

Baptisia 'Purple Smoke'

Baptisia alba

Iris virginica

Calico Beardtongue (Penstemon calycosus)

Carolina Rose

Next ~ wildflowers in spring, summer and fall.

PS My New Year's Resolution for this year is to try to post for Wildflower Wednesday on time!


  1. Nice pictures, make me dream about summer:)

  2. I can't get enough of that baptisia Purple Smoke. And sweet flowering dogwoods hiding shyly in the spring woods always delight me. Lovely photos.

  3. You know SB, I like that New Year's Resolution and also love this post. Some of my favorite plants. I wish. I wish, I wish, I could grow the azaleas! Happy New Year. gail

  4. Well done, Sweetbay! Learning about wildflowers from both you and Gail has certainly improved my garden and the wildlife seem to enjoy them, too. Here's to 12 months of WW!


  5. I enjoyed your post. I didn't post because I didn't know the flower names. This year I will try harder, because I like the idea of Wildflower Wednesday.

  6. Hi Sweetbay,
    I meant to do a WW post last week, too, but didn't get it done. I sure enjoyed yours. Not only were your blooms pretty, I just love how your home looks nestled in all that beauty! I wonder if I could pull one together yet. I don't know.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Sweetbay,

    Oh my can't wait for those days ahead. Hope you make it ok in the teens tonight. Our greens in the cold frame looked bad, the pansies very bad looking.

  8. I love them all but if I had to pick the ones that stole my heart it would be the Alabama Azaleas - gorgeous! :)

  9. It'll be March in no time!

    Two months time and the landscape's totally different.

    Happy New Year.

  10. I love those dewey Baptisias!

  11. Happy New Year Sweet Bay! Great Year in Review ~Spring. Your azaleas and Baptisia are to die for. Gorgeous. It looks like you live in a fariy-tale setting. You even have a Prince. Best Wishes for 2012!

  12. Wow, I must search more for native plants in my area. Yours ar just stunning, Sweetbay !!!

  13. Seeing your wildflowers in bloom is a welcome sight no matter whether it's on time or not, Sweetbay! I especially love seeing all these photos this time of year when everything is gray and brown outside. The Baptisia is absolutely beautiful; I just love this plant. And a serviceberry is near the top of my wish list! Glad you joined in; Happy New Year and Happy Gardening!

  14. Beautiful post...just love it! I just planted some of the 'Purple Smoke' Baptisia this past spring...it didn't do much this year, but your photos are making me totally excited to see what it does in the coming years ahead!

  15. Your beautiful wildflowers give your garden such a romantic feel! I am determined to try baptisia in my own garden. I look forward to following your posts in the coming year. Happy gardening!

  16. Beautiful!
    I enjoyed your post very much!
    Best wishes for the New Year!

  17. A beautiful garden your labor of love surrounding your house!
    Lovely photos of your garden!
    Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    hugs Anna

  18. I love the shot of Baptisia with your house in the background.

  19. It is amazing to see the variety of plants in your garden. I always love looking at pictures of your baptisia, but in this post, I think the azaleas stole the show! I didn't realize you could grow penstemons on the east coast, I thought they were west coast plants :)


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