Friday, October 29, 2010

Blooming Friday ~ Water

I grew up living next to a lake and I still miss it. I loved to watch the moon's reflection or the sun striking a dazzle on the water. A creek borders the property where I live now, home to wood ducks, great blue herons, prothonotary warblers, beavers, mink, turtles and freshwater mussels. I walked down to the creek a couple of days ago after checking the progress of bald cypress seedlings next to a small pond in one of the fields. Strong winds had ripped some of the leaves off of the trees (they're just in the middle of turning now) and settled just under the water at the creek's edge, while the water reflected the remaining leaves on the trees above.

On a much smaller scale, flowers are extra lovely when they are wreathed with dew. The perfect pink buds of Blush Noisette open to soft romantic flowers with a fragrance to match.

'Marie Pavie'

Dew makes this bloom of Lindheimer's muhly look as though it
was silvered with frost, when the temperature was over 60 degrees.

I can still see the sun dazzle, not on a lake but in the garden.

R. palustris foliage

Aromatic aster

Chrysanthemum 'Venus'

Happy Friday, and thanks to Katarina at roses and stuff for hosting Blooming Friday!


  1. Lots of lovely blooming going on here! I agree about water, whatever size or form, it's magic in the garden!

  2. I don't know what to say this morning, Sweetbay--your photos have literally taken my breath away! The first photo of the dew on the rose is as beautiful as anything I've seen.

  3. Dewdrops make the flowers look so special.

  4. The freshness of the morning dew does give everything a bit of a delicate look. Very nice photos.

  5. Oh my, what gorgeous, sparkling dewdrop photos! A very refreshing sight this morning! My husband grew up on a lake, and he sometimes misses it too.

  6. I miss living near water, too, along with the wildlife it attracts and the swimming.

    The sunlight reflecting off the dew makes each petal and leaf look special.

  7. I grew up next to the sea and as an adult, I live next to a river, so I too love water. You have captured the dew on the roses and daisies masterfully. I love the delicate light play in the photos.

  8. Marvellous Sweetbay! Just what I needed to see today!

    Happy weekend


  9. So many lovely pictures...
    Have a nice weekend ;)

  10. Is there anything fresher than morning dew on flowers? Perfect. :)

    I too am landlocked now after growing up beside the ocean and I do miss it terribly. Your photo of the leaves in water with the reflected sky is beautiful and worthy of framing.

    Have a great Halloween weekend!

  11. Love the photos SweetBay. There is something magical about dewdrops on flowers and foliage. The reflection picture is very pretty and I love the Blush Noisette and the the Marie Pavie.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely blooms with us once again.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  12. Beautiful examples of water in the garden. Your photos are so lovely . . . everyone! I love the Venus Chrysanthemums. They look a great deal like my mystery one. Maybe the same. Mine too are just blooming now. Bees of all kinds all over them. What a tapestry your first shot is . . . gorgeous post Sweetbay. Have a lovely weekend. ;>)

  13. Beautiful pictures of beautiful flowers! I can almost smell them.
    Have a nice weekend!

  14. Beautiful pictures. You have a lot of flowers still in bloom - I am quite envious!

  15. beautiful blooms! my favorite is the silver frost Linderheimer's Muhly. It is gorgeus

  16. Mmmm.. enjoy your pictires !!
    Tjingeling Monica

  17. Your dew shots are so beautiful. Water and sunshine, in any form together, are nature's miracles.

  18. Waterdrops on flowers is beatiful and I love your pictures.. Moa

  19. Your creek must be a nice place to enjoy the animal life, and your garden offers lovely pictures. The dew brings out such a clear colours of your flowers. Enoy your week end :)

  20. Beautiful photos! I always love what dewdrops do in a garden; they add softness and romance, something with which your garden is already blessed. I admire all your roses!

  21. Lovely pictures. Love the dewdrops on the flowers.

  22. The last two shots are my favorites. Very nice!

  23. Your pictures are pieces of art! I can't decide which one is the loveliest - they're simply great!

  24. A beautiful post, Sweetbay ... love water and love the dewy flowers.

  25. I love your photos. Stunning. Have a nice week/Gela

  26. I sure know what you mean SB. I love living anywhere near the water. Here in mountain and prairie country it's even more special. I'm lucky to live one block from a nice size lake (for here anyway) and though it would be better to live on it, at least I get the benefit of seeing it on my walks. My pond helps a bit too.
    Your dew photos are wonderful. Glad to see your garden is still performing after all that heat you had!

  27. Sweet Bay, was gorgeous photos! I absolutely love the first shot, but all the rest are good also. Thanks for this sweet walk around the yard! I love moonlight reflected on the water too so I understand why you miss it.

  28. Dewdrops make them look so elegant and mystical, nothing like it. And you were very successful in showing them with your photos, so awesome. I specifically adore the 1st reflection and the Lindenheimer and the R. palustris dazzling silently with the breeze. I haven't seen such a seen in natural setting though!

  29. The feelings you convey with the dew and loveliness are wonderful!

  30. Sweetbay, Stunning and refreshing! You captured the magic of dew beautifully~gail

  31. These are the most gorgeous photographs of dew on flowers I have ever seen...amazingly gorgeous...
    You have inspired me...

  32. Hi, Sweetbay;
    Such immense talent you have! These are absolutely stunning! I love, love, love that pink rose bud with the dew. And, the Chrysanthemum - wowza!

  33. I'm a fan of photos where the blooms are covered with dew or raindrops. The Chrysanthemum 'Venus' looks especially pretty to me.

    The frosted Linderheimer's Muhly looks like a winter holiday decoration. Gorgeous.

    I suspect the green darner dragonfly on my sunflower was just resting because their favorite food is mosquitoes and we had a bumper crop of them this year.


  34. The dew on the flowers is dazzling, indeed. The photos are lovely.

  35. I too grew up by water (the pacific Ocean) and know well how much you miss it.
    The soft, dewy roses and Muhly are very beautiful, but that leaf shot with its glittering beads is truly incredible.
    I love those gorgeous Mums too.
    Enjoyed seeing the colors and light in your previous 2 posts as well.
    You have such an eye for beauty and great skill capturing it with your camera.


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