This month I am joining Wildflower Wednesday on time for a change!
Serviceberry is the earliest native tree to bloom here, and only one is open so far, and that one just a little bit. The flowers display a silvery fluffy fuzz as they open, giving the tree lacy appearance in bud. Later the new leaves will also be covered in silvery down.
Reportedly the black fruit is delicious but I haven't yet tasted any because they are a great favorite of birds! My wild serviceberries don't typically have the spectacular fall color that Jason's of gardeninacity have (due to premature leaf drop), but some years they surprise me with beautiful gold, bronze, and orange hues.
I have loved this tree since I first saw one at the edge of our back yard at the original house site. The tree had been pushed over when the site was cleared but still managed to hang on for a few years, and looked just like a bridal veil when it bloomed. There are several young wild serviceberries around the old house site and and the seedlings are easy to move around.
Thank you gail for hosting this wonderful meme.