Aren't they lovely? The fine fuzz on the flowers and buds add to their vibrancy. Not sure if this is smooth or foxglove beardtongue.
Carolina Bush Pea is finishing up now but I wanted to include it anyway. It has such an elegant stately presence in the garden. It grows wild on mountain balds in the Appalachians but is just as much at home in the piedmont. It looks especially beautiful with the bright pink flowers of Rosa palustris scandens.
I grew this purple milkweed from seed that I bought from Prairie Moon Nursery. It's more of a rosy magenta than purple, but I really wanted to grow it since it's so different in color from the other milkweeds I've seen: white common milkweed, orange butterfly weed, red-orange few-flowered milkweed, and pink swamp milkweed. It's in a bed with Rosa palustris scandens, spiderwort 'Zwanenburg Blue' and 'Concord Grape', St. John's Wort and the rose 'Basye's Purple'. It would look great with butterfly weed too.
I seem to have a hard time getting my act together for Wildflower Wednesday. One month I wrote it down on the calendar, only to realize that I wrote it down on the 5th Wednesday of that month. lol But better late than never, right? Thank you Gail for hosting this wonderful meme.