Speaking of tiny, check out these trees. Not a one is less than four years old.
The one below is a Bald Cypress seedling. Its brother is
4 feet tall, so I have hope for a decent specimen one day.
The second one is a white oak seedling. Not just any oak seedling. The parents are twin trees in the town of Smithfield that have stunning pure red fall color. I've never seen another white oak with that color. Most turn to shades of wine and russet. Perhaps the Smithfield trees are hybrids, but the leaves look exactly like white oak leaves.
Anyway, I wish this seedling would grow. I have two seedlings from the special red white oak trees and they are equally tiny.
The 3rd is a sassafras tree. Have you ever seen anything so tiny?
I think I better feed these trees next year. They've proven that they could use some help.
Tiny can be a good thing. Prissy is a very dainty cat with the tiniest, whitest
little feet. We often say of her that she's so small she's almost not even there.

Tiny insects are swarming the very late-blooming aster 'Miss Bessie'.

This tiny duo came head to head while feeding. The honeybee was so
intent on her work that she literally walked into the fly before noticing it.

Happy Friday, and thanks to Katarina at roses and stuff for hosting Blooming Friday!