The latest blast of cold, during which the mercury dipped down to 10, was enough to finish off the Prunus mume and even set back the First Breath of Spring. Since I don't have anything new to show, I decided to put up more of the snow pictures with shots from last year's garden.
The snow-covered driveway leading down to the horse pastures, the long narrow bed next to the neighbor's pasture, and the neighbor's pasture, with the skeletons of Bidens collapsing under the weight of the snow.
Late August, with Panicum 'Cloud Nine' in bloom and the Bidens almost full size. It seems in one month's time, they go from being 12-18" to 3-5' tall. This bed is still relatively undeveloped and may stay that way, since the Bidens are so easy.
July, showing the Redbud from the National Arbor Day Foundation that is really sizing up, and the Bidens at about a third their bloom size. It always amazes me how green the garden is in the summer, looking back at it.
In April, looking across the big perennial bed to the
neighbor's pasture. (Please excuse the unmown paths.)

neighbor's pasture. (Please excuse the unmown paths.)

Jesse's Song. Behind the iris are the old stalks of Panicum virgatum,
a first line of defense if the neighbor decides to get wacky with the Round-up again.

a first line of defense if the neighbor decides to get wacky with the Round-up again.