Opening the front door is like opening the door to an oven. The temperature at 6:30pm is 99 degrees, down from a peak of 104 an hour earlier.
Everything was wonderful until the first day of summer (aka hell). We did get one marvelous day of reprieve on Wednesday, yesterday wasn't too bad, but today the heat was so intense you could see the waves rippling up like gas on an unlit range. It felt like one spark would set the world afire.
I watered everything up yesterday and hope that will carry the plants through. I'll have to run the sprinkler some too but I'd like not to stand around holding a hose.
The daylilies, phlox and Monarda are blooming. Daylilies are tough. They can take just about anything.
The flowers on the right which looks red is actually a deep burgundy/pink and are the flowers
of 'Dayspring' Oakleaf Hydrangea. They've never turned such a dramatic color before.

of 'Dayspring' Oakleaf Hydrangea. They've never turned such a dramatic color before.

I can't find a tag for the tall yellow daylilies on the right. Although nameless for now and difficult to impossible to photograph in bright light, they have been stalwarts during the mid and late daylily season. They are beautiful and very fragrant.
Back to hellfire again tomorrow, with an expected high of 107. I know much of the country is suffering with extreme heat. Try to stay cool everyone!