It's a celebration of late spring flowers here: the last of the iris, larkspur, roses and foxgloves..
Border of vegetable garden, with big perennial bed in background.

This is a partial view of the plantings between the house and the driveway, looking down over the vegetable garden and down to the big perennial bed. That's the well cover off to the left, and the makings of a new bed behind that.
Part of the garden between the house and drive.

Looking the opposite direction, toward the neighbor's pasture.

Lots of foxglove in the garden this year, although I always think I'd like twice as much as I have.

'Festiva Maxima'

Siberian Iris

Louisiana Iris 'Sinfonietta'

A noid Louisiana iris

No, it's not Delphinium, but heck I'll take it.

Carolina Bush Pea


Perennial sweet pea

Rosa palustris scandens


'Dusky Challenger'

Rosa carolina

Thank you to Katarina at roses and stuff for hosting Blooming Friday.